Sandpaper (manual dermasanding) in treatment of periorbital wrinkles

Dermabrasion is a nonchemical, superficial skin resurfacing procedure. It owes its popularity to the simplicity and safety of the technique. Studies published in peer-reviewed journals have highlighted the benefits of multiple, once-a-week treatments in improving hyperchromic discolorations, facial scarring, and facial photodamage.
The mechanism of action through which microdermabrasion ameliorates skin appearance is not fully understood. Several studies suggest that the clinical improvement is produced through a dermal remodeling/wound healing repair.
Regardless of the mechanism, patients and operators alike recognize the efficacy of this procedure. We are introducing a new method to treatment of facial wrinkles. Dermabrasion with sandpaper is not a new procedure in mechanic dermabrasion. However, we used it for the first time in treating periorbital wrinkles.
"A different and cheap method: sandpaper (manual dermasanding) in treatment of periorbital wrinkles"
Emsen IM
J Craniofac Surg. 2008 May ; 19(3): 812-6 (
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