Correction of tear trough deformity with novel porcine collagen dermal filler (Dermicol-P35).

Deformity of the tear trough region, which can occur during the aging process, can result in dark shadows under the eyes and a fatigued appearance. Augmentation of the tear trough is challenging because of the thin skin and lack of fat in the region.
Adding volume to the tear trough region with a dermal filler is a nonsurgical procedure with minimal discomfort to the patient. Dermicol-P35 (Evolence; Ortho Dermatologics, Skillman, NJ) is a new, ribose crosslinked, highly purified, porcine-based collagen filler that does not require prior skin testing and has shown improved persistence compared with bovine collagen-based dermal fillers.
In this article, we present the clinical outcomes of patients who have received treatment with a novel ribose crosslinked porcine collagen dermal filler for the correction of tear trough deformity.
"Correction of tear trough deformity with novel porcine collagen dermal filler (Dermicol-P35)"
Aesthet Surg J. 2009 May-Jun; 29(3 Suppl): S9-S11Goldberg DJ (
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