Procedures offered in the medical spa environment

Medical spas' menus of services vary widely and depend greatly on the medical director or owner's experience and predilection. Core services include: microdermabrasion, mild chemical peels, medical facials, laser hair removal, photorejuvenation, botulinum toxin, and injectable fillers.
Common procedures include cellulite reduction, tissue tightening, and acne treatments. Less common procedures that are more likely to be performed in medical spas with direct on-site daily involvement of the medical director include: laser resurfacing, laser-assisted lipoplasty, sclerotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and cosmetic surgery.
Multisite spas often use multi-platform devices to assist with uniformity in menu offerings and training.
"Procedures offered in the medical spa environment"
Taub AF
Dermatol Clin. 2008 Jul ; 26(3): 341-58, v (
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