Histologic evidence of new collagen formation using a Q-switched Nd

Non-ablative laser treatment has been used for improving dermal toning. Laser application to dermis causes new collagen formation in terms of wound healing. We aimed to study mainly histological changes in skin after the use of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in non-ablative treatment of wrinkles.
The laser was adjusted to a fluency of 7 J/cm2 with a spot size of 3 mm and a pulse rate of 10 Hz to treat periorbital wrinkled areas. None of the patients had received filling materials, botulinum toxin injections or any dermabrasion procedures.
All laser sessions were held every 15 days for a total of six sessions and all patients were photographed before treatment and then 2 months after the last treatment. Histological examinations were performed before laser treatment and 1 month after the final treatment.
Four of eight individuals showed clinical improvement. The histological proportion of collagen fibers was measured by using the Samba method. An increase in the mean optical densities (MOD) of collagen fibers compared with baselines was statistically significant in all patients (p<0.05).
The 1064-nm Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers appear to be safe and efficient for non-ablative remodeling of periorbital wrinkles.
"Histologic evidence of new collagen formation using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in periorbital rhytids"
Karabudak O, Dogan B, Baloglu H
J Dermatolog Treat. 2008; 19(5): 300-4 (Hubmed.org)
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