Chemical Peels

For many decades, chemical peeling has played an important role in facial rejuvenation. These procedures are safe and effective in the management of photoaging, scarring, pigmentary dyschromias, and in the destruction of superficial skin lesions.
Chemical peels are classified into superficial, medium, and deep according to their level of injury to the skin. It is the responsibility of the surgeon to assist the patient in choosing the resurfacing procedure that will most effectively satisfy his or her goals while maintaining a high margin of safety.
With the current availability of various and laser systems for facial rejuvenation, chemical peeling continues to be an integral part of a facial rejuvenation program because of its popularity with patients and minimal costs to the physician.
"Chemical peels"
Monheit GD, Chastain MA
Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2001 May ; 9(2): 239-55, viii (
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