New Methods in Cutaneous Resurfacing

The ongoing effort to create an optimal method of skin rejuvenation has led to several new treatment options. and various nonablative laser resurfacing systems produce minimal skin injury, whereas current RF resurfacing devices may create both ablative or nonablative effects.
The less invasive methods do limit the length of an uncomfortable healing time; however, studies appear to indicate that the results are less impressive than those produced by more destructive techniques and may prove only temporary over the time frame of a year.
Efficacy and durability of clinical improvement seem to be inversely related to the wounding depth, the length of the healing period, or both. The search continues for the perfect method of skin rejuvenation, which minimizes cost, healing time, adverse effects, and discomfort and maximizes efficacy, response durability, and reproducibility.
With advancements in technology, rejuvenation methods slowly approach these elusive goals.
"New methods in cutaneous resurfacing"
Tope WD, Kageyama N
Adv Dermatol. 2001; 17: 301-23 (
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