Gross And Microscopic Findings In Patients Undergoing Microdermabrasion For Facial Rejuvenation

Microdermabrasion (MDA) is a new procedure used for the treatment of cosmetic problems, particularly to combat photoaging and intrinsic aging. Though excellent clinical improvement has been well documented, histologic support is limited.
To determine if microscopic changes correlate with clinical improvement and to examine the depth of penetration compared to chemical peels.
Seven women were submitted to five MDA sessions at weekly intervals. Skin biopsies were performed in all of them, before and after the treatment. Clinical and photographic assessments were recorded weekly.
Data concerning skin features, including oiliness, thickness, dilated pores, and general appearance, were all assessed. Microscopic improvement of changes associated with cutaneous aging in the epidermis and dermis where all assessed. For statistical analysis, a t-test for small samples was utilized.
RESULTS: All the patients showed clinical and microscopic improvement in all of the parameters assessed. The t-test for small samples showed a P <.05.
CONCLUSION: MDA is a good alternative for facial rejuvenation. Improvements in both clinical and microscopic parameters are readily demonstrable
"Gross and microscopic findings in patients undergoing microdermabrasion for facial rejuvenation"
Hernandez-Perez E, Ibiett EV
Dermatol Surg. 2001 Jul ; 27(7): 637-40 (
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