Microdermabrasion : Skin Treatment

The microdermabrasion can be defined as the application of tiny abrasive grains lijan that the top layer of skin. All kinds of treatments and products using this technique, including medical procedures, salon treatments like skin creams that are used at home. Typically, this technique is applied to the face, neck, arms and hands, but can be used throughout the body.
The skin of a person consists of two layers: the epidermis and dermis. The first of these is the layer closest to the surface is composed of dead skin cells placed one above the other. The 'stratum corneum' is the top layer of skin, which acts as a barrier to lower layers, ie the layer that has contact with the 'outside world' about the person. Prevents small particles from penetrating the skin.
When you apply creams or moisturizers on the skin, this layer is absorbed a little moisture but not all. This layer is where the slight imperfections of the skin occurs, such as scars and wrinkles.
The microdermabrasion does precisely this outer layer of skin and its aim is only the epidermis. If the lower layers of skin are affected, this would be painful and dangerous, since there is a risk that the grains are permanently embedded in these layers. The principle of microdermabrasion is the same no matter whether you are at home with a product and at the office of a professional with specialized tools.
The aim is to remove or break the 'stratum corneum' for the body as if it were interpreted as a slight wound, and therefore, to focus on replacing skin cells that were lost with new and healthy cells.
At the same time, it has other benefits. To remove 'stratum corneum', the skin surface is improved. As the skin heals, it brings new cells that feel and look smoother. Some of the imperfections of the skin as sun damage, fine lines and some scars are removed. Simultaneously, without the 'stratum corneum' acting as a barrier, medicinal creams and lotions are more effective because their active ingredients and moisture can penetrate to lower levels of the skin. As always the microdermabrasion removes some moisture, it is always followed by the application of moisturizing creams.
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