Laser Doppler flowmetry in burn treatment

It is offered to use laser Doppler fluometry indices at the acute stage of burn disease for diagnostics of lesion depth, as a criterion for degree of shock severity and its ending, for evaluation of the surgical treatment influence on clinical course of burn disease, and also at different stages of wound closing with complex temporary pedicle flap.
Methods and criterions of microcirculation study during the period of burn shock, and also in burn re-convalescents are defined for evaluation of conservative treatment efficacy and state of microcirculation in forming scars.
Application of laser Doppler fluometry contributes to reduction of surgical operations number, duration of stay in the hospital, improvement of aesthetic treatment results. Laser Doppler fluometry indices can serve as a criterion of conservative therapy efficacy, contribute to timely correction of rehabilitation plan.
"Laser Doppler flowmetry in burn treatment
Fistal' NN, Soloshenko VV
Khirurgiia (Mosk). 2008; : 53-7 (
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