How Microdermabrasion Work

Microdermabrasion works by a small tube that passes across his face. The tube contains micro particles of sand that are stirred within him.
A small opening at the tip of the tube is placed on your skin to be gently sugada into the tube to contact the particles. Particles esfoliam the skin's surface removing oiliness, blocked pores, unwanted pigments and dead cells.
After the microdermabrasion, your skin will appear smoother and more refreshing. Once the dead skin cells were removed, their rejuvenating treatment creams can penetrate more easily into the skin.
The skin immediately assumes a more thick and there is an increase in the superficial dermal collagen. Both are important goals of any facial rejuvenescimiento.
The microdermabrasion effectively removes the superficial hyper pigmentation (spots) when used in conjunction with topical agents (creams) appropriate
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