A Prospective Controlled Assessment Of Microdermabrasion for Damaged Skin And Fine Rhytides

Aged skin is characterized by rhytides but also by epidermal and dermal atrophy, rough skin texture, irregular pigmentation, telangiectasias, and laxity.
is an office-based mechanical resurfacing technique alternative to traditional dermabrasion. It has been used in Europe since 1992 with great acceptance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and quantify the degree of visible improvement in photodamaged skin and fine rhytides following a series of treatments.
A single operator treated 20 patients with varying degrees of photodamage and rhytides with a series of eight treatments at 1-week intervals; 17 subjects completed the entire study protocol.
Standardized photographic documentation was performed before and after each treatment, and a survey questionnaire was completed by each subject. Punch biopsy specimens (3 mm) were collected on treated and matched nontreated control sites and evaluated for histological characteristics.
Preprocedure and postprocedure photographs were rated on a 5-point scale by independent blinded observers. A total of 30 blinded observers (16 plastic surgeons and 14 laypersons) rated all photographs. The results showed that all observers rated a significant improvement of hyperchromic discoloration (p = 0.004), while only nonmedical observers observed improvement in fine rhytides.
All patients were very satisfied with the results. Common side effects were mild to moderate discomfort occurring on bony areas during the treatment and an itching and tingling sensation for 2 days after treatment.
No infections or scars were observed postoperatively. The average epidermal thickness in the untreated samples was 103 +/- 23 microM (mean +/- SD) before treatment compared with 148 +/- 41 microM after treatment (p < 0.001).
Histologic analysis of the matched punch biopsy specimens showed an increase in organized collagen in treated versus nontreated sites. Treatment of aged skin using a series of treatments is an effective, noninvasive method of skin rejuvenation with minimal risk and patient downtime. It is safe and improves skin quality by minimizing certain hyperchromic pigmentations.
"A prospective controlled assessment of for damaged skin and fine rhytides"
Coimbra M, Rohrich RJ, Chao J, Brown SA
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Apr 15; 113(5): 1438-43; discussion 1444 (Hubmed.org)
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