[Prevention and management of locoregional complications of botulinum A toxin injections in cosmetic treatment]

Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2009 May; 136 Suppl 4: S146-51Gassia VBotulinum toxin serotype A injections used in treating dynamic wrinkles is one of the least invasive cosmetic procedures. High patient satisfaction and low onset of always moderate side effects contribute to the growing popularity of botulinum toxin injections in cosmetic treatment over the past few years. Years of experience and use, in therapeutics [1,2] and esthetics (20 years) have proven the efficacy and the safety of this wrinkle treatment. Today, no severe or long-term side effects have been reported in esthetics. This article discusses only the most frequent locoregional effects. They are rare, moderate, transitory, and totally reversible. Properly informing and selecting patients will contribute to successfully preventing and managing these effects.