Clinical and behavioural aspects of aging with HIV infection.

Psychol Health Med. 2009 May; 14(3): 273-9Sherr L, Harding R, Lampe F, Johnson M, Anderson J, Zetler S, Fisher M, Arthur G, Norwood S, Leake-Date H, Edwards SScant attention has been paid to the effects of ageing and HIV. This study examined age distribution and explored the impact of age on the experience of illness. One thousand and seven consecutive attenders at five UK HIV clinics were approached, 904 met inclusion criteria and 778 agreed to participate (86% response rate). They provided detailed information on demographics, experience of illness, physical and psychological symptoms, quality of life, treatment experience and doctor-patient communications. Twelve percent were aged over 50. There were significantly more males in the over 50s (86% vs. 75%), more gay males x(2) = 7, p = 0.04 and fewer females (14% vs. 25%) x(2) = 5; p = 0.03. No significant differences were found on measures of education, employment or migration status or physical symptom experience. The older group had significantly lower psychological and global burden scores and were more likely to take antiretrovirals (88% vs. 79%; p = 0.04). Triggers for treatment switching showed older participants significantly less burdened by food restrictions, pill burden, taste, nausea, diarrhoea, sleep disturbance, concentration problems, anxiety depression, skin rashes, liver complaints or a need for a simpler regimen. The older group were similar in employment, education and disclosure, but complained less and reported much higher tolerance.